Urgently Needed For Sales Marketing PT. Lamindo Jaya Indo Mandiri

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PT. Lamindo Jaya Indo Mandiri
(Sentul City, Bogor – Jawa Barat)

Since 1999, Lamindo Jaya Indo Mandiri has been promoting technology to give the solutions to answer your questions. Lamindo has always been working with the world leaders, Footwear, Apparel, Textile, Luggage, Automotive, etc. We are your partner for innovative production. We are a team who trained
to solve your problem and surely we care about you. We will always be with you.

* Ladies and Gentlemen
* Fresh graduates with background Electro, Electronic, or Machinery.
* Having good initiative, communication, presentation and analytical skill.
* English active both written and spoken
* Having a driving license (SIM A) and familiar with Jabodetabek area
* Able to operate Computer, Microsoft Office, Internet, e-mails and Instant messaging.
* Good looking, costumer oriented, excellent communication (especially with customers), pleasant personality, interactive, high motivation, willing to travel and willing to work hard.
* Loyal, honest, creative, self started, able to work under pressure, having self integrity, proactive attitude and agile.
* Preferable live near at Sentul City or Bogor. Other cities are welcome.

If you meet the qualification, please send your CV to below mail :

Or send your complete resume to :
PT. Lamindo Jaya Indo Mandiri
Ruko Plaza Niaga I Blok B No.2,
Jl. MH. Thamrin, Sentul City – Bogor 16810

Website : www.lamindo.com

*Original Posts from SURABAYAJOBFAIR.COM

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