Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 Chevron Oil And Gas Company

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This is to inform you that we have many job opportunities in Chevron Oil & Gas Company United Kingdom; the management has decided to fill up all the positions with foreign international reputable and experienced applicants. Chevron values integrity, trust, diversity and ingenuity as a company and in our employees. In the United Kingdom, Chevron hires full-time employees with education and experience in one or more of the following areas:

– Earth science (geology, geophysics, drilling)
– Engineering (petroleum, completion, drilling, facilities, process, reliability)
– Operations and maintenance
– Human resources
– Finance and accounting
– Health, environment and safety
– Sales and marketing
– Process apprentices (Pembroke Refinery)

If you are interested kindly Contact and send your CV/Resume to Daniel Traylor the Recruiting Coordinator, Human Resources chevron Oil and Gas company UK.
Contact Information.
Contact person: Daniel Traylor
Tel: (+44)7035928060
Email: daniel-hr@consultant.com
Enquires should be directed to Daniel Traylor


Best Regards
Helen Fairclough
HR Manager Recruiting Specialist
Chevron Oil and Gas Company UK.

*Original Posts from SURABAYAJOBFAIR.COM

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