Lowongan Kerja PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk - HR & GA Supervisor

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SURABAYAJOBFAIR.COM --. PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk. is a leading retail company with more than 100 stores all over Indonesia. We have vision to be Consumers’ Most Preferred Retailer, and our mission is to consistently bring value fashion-right products and services that enhance the customers’ quality of lifestyle.

Due to our aggressive business expansion, we are looking for qualified & dynamic talents to join our success team for the following position:

HR & GA Supervisor


You will be responsible for every aspect of human resource management: recruitment, training, personnel administration & payroll, industrial relation, employee relation, general affair.
Establish & maintain good relationship with external party such as schools & governmental institution.


Male / Female, maximum 28 years old. Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable University, GPA = 2,75. (Diploma degree with experience are welcome).
Bachelor Degree in Law/Psychology/Human Resource Management
Experience in the same field would be preferable
Strong & leadership potential, Strong analytical, and interpersonal skill
Not color-blind, and willing to work in shift
Vacancies: Surabaya

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